
14 Republic of India

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


Like many other countries, India has several environmental issues to solve. Which environmental issue is caused by the factors shown in the chart?
water pollution
air pollution


Like many other countries, India has several environmental issues to solve. Which environmental issue is caused by the factors shown in the chart?
water pollution
air pollution


Which environmental issue is the result of the monsoons - seasonal winds that bring heavy rain?
water pollution
air pollution


Which of the following statements describe the impact of the Ganges River on Indian life?
It is one of the most polluted rivers in the world, which spreads diseases.
It is the most important fresh water source in India.
It is used for drinking, and bathing, and irrigation.
all of the above


The government runs some businesses, but most businesses in India are privately owned. What type of economy does India have?
none of the above


Modern agricultural techniques have become more widely used in India since the implementation of which program?
US-India Strategic and Commercial Dialogue
Green Revolution
Microcredit Revolution

Multiple Response
Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.


Which of the following describe the areas in which most Indians live? Select ALL that apply.
at the base of mountains
areas along the rivers and valleys
in desert areas
in rural areas


Which two groups or government acts shared a common goal to achieve Indian independence from British colonial control?
Green Revolution
Muslim League
Government of India Act
Indian National Congress


Mohandas Gandhi unified the people of India in a movement to gain independence from Britain by promoting non-violent refusal to obey unfair British laws. Which of the following statements led to the eventual independence of India? Select ALL that apply.
Gandhi was influenced by the injustice he saw in South Africa, where he lived for a time during that country’s apartheid system.
Gandhi led a successful military revolt against British authority in the town of Amritsar.
British authorities massacred a large gathering of Indians in the town of Amritsar, claiming they were gathering illegally.
The Amritsar Massacre helped Gandhi win international support for the independence movement.


Which of these statements describes the workforce in India today? Select ALL that apply.
Most Indians work in the service industry.
Almost half of the people work in agriculture.
Jobs in agriculture are the fastest growing jobs.
Jobs in services and industry are the fastest growing jobs.


Some of the world’s largest and most successful companies were founded by Indian entrepreneurs. Which of these statements describes the impact of the microcredit industry on entrepreneurship? Select ALL that apply.
The microcredit industry primarily makes loans to large institutions, which has created large financial empires.
Thousands of Indian men and women have been able to borrow small amounts of money to start local businesses.
The microcredit industry subsidizes entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship through the microcredit industry is changing the quality of life in many rural Indian villages.


Which of these statements describes the government and level of citizen participation in the government of India? Select ALL that apply.
India is a federal parliamentary republic where the head of state is the prime minister.
India is a federal parliamentary republic where the head of government is the prime minister.
Citizens vote for members of parliament, which creates the laws.
The leader of the majority political party in parliament serves as the prime minister.

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